DePauw partners with the Education Advisory Board (EAB) to ensure that every DePauw student has a full opportunity to succeed and excel in and out of the classroom.
This interconnected advising approach will give our faculty and staff advisors access to better advising tools, and improve persistence/graduation rates by more easily identifying students falling behind or excelling. At the same time, this approach will help us more easily connect all students to the full range of curricular and co-curricular opportunities available at DePauw.
Navigate (formerly Student Success Collaborative/SSC) is the cornerstone of a larger campus conversation about student advising and retention.
Navigate our menu to find resources to help you use SSC Campus; and know that there is more to come. Navigate (SSC) has a number of other features and functions that we anticipate rolling out over the next few months. These include things such as additional Professor homepage functions, peer advising reporting, and a referral system.