STEM Guide Hours

The STEM Guide program is part of the Growing Inclusive Excellence in STEM initiative funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Inclusive Excellence Grant. Peer STEM Guides attend introductory science and math classes. The Guides help with activities during class and see the materials being covered.Each Guide then holds evening office hours in Julian Auditorium as shown below.

spring 2024 STEM Guide Hours

Office Hours in JULIAN 147 (unless stated otherwise)



ClassGuide NameMTWThSUN
Bio101 Jasmine Kakowa     9:00-10:30pm     
Bio101 Ayusha Pokarel   7:00-9:00 pm    7:00-9:00pm  
Bio101 Linh (Kas) Do     8:45-9:45pm   7:00-9:00pm
Bio102 Emma Jacobs  
    7:00-9:00pm   8:00-9:00pm
Bio102 Samantha Rodriguez     7:30-9:00pm   7:00-10:00pm
Bio102 Jacob Padilla     7:00-8:30pm   7:00-8:30pm


ClassGuide NameMTWThSUN
Chem120 Ellen Trautman      7:00-8:00pm  7:30-9:00pm  
Chem120 Daniel Martin    8:30-9:30pm  
Chem130 Jade Karas    8:40-9:40pm  7:00-9:00pm    
Chem130 Mia Hagenauer  
 7:00-8:30pm    8:30-9:30pm  
Chem170 Sebastian Manrique    9:00-10:00pm   8:30-10:30pm  9:00-10:00pm
Chem240 Emma Stemen       7:00-9:00pm  
Chem260 Thanh Nguyen      7:00-8:30pm    7:00-8:30pm
Chem260 Irene Amalaraj  8:00-9:00pm     7:30-9:00pm  
Chem320 Delaney Collier    7:00-8:00pm     8:00-10:000pm
Chem320 Animesh Dali  8:00-9:00pm      8:00-9:30pm  
Chem342 Dejuan Jones       7:00-8:00pm 7:00-8:30pm

Computer Science

ClassGuide NameMTWThSUN
CSC121 Bao Han Nguyen (Sunny)      8:30-10:30pm  8:30-10:30pm   
CSC121 Kanyanat (Noinah) Sunchatavirul   8:00-10:00pm    8:00-10:00pm  
CSC122 Truc Nguyen 8:30-10:30pm 8:30-10:30pm      
CSC231 Olivia Cornejo       8:30-9:30pm  9:00-10:00pm
CSC232 Aimen Moten     7:00-11:00pm (tentative!!)    
CSC232 Kidus Samson 8:00-10:00pm   8:30-10:30pm    




KINS256 Lauren Paque    7:00-9:30pm (JSC 161)      
KINS256 Nora Kirby          7:00-9:30pm (JSC 161)


ClassGuide NameMTWThSUN
Math136 Mai Le    7:00-8:00pm      
Math141 Kate Leone    7:00-9:00pm      7:00-9:30pm
Math151 Thao Le        8:30-10:30pm  
Math151 Kaelan Lestock  9:00-10:00pm        
Math151 Aliyy Eloraby   7:30-9:00pm     8:00-9:30pm 


ClassGuide NameMTWThSUN
Phys120 Isabella Zalewski   8:00-9:30 pm    8:00-9:30pm  8:00-9:30pm
Phys130 Quana Pham    7:00-9:00pm    7:00-9:00pm  
Phys130 Thao Nguyen   7:00-9:00pm    