Italian Cultural Studies

Course Catalog

Requirements for a major

Italian Cultural Studies

Total courses required Eight
Core courses ITAL 171, ITAL 172, ITAL 271, ITAL 272 and additional courses in Italian to complete the major. Note that after the 100 level, courses are not necessarily sequential. Taking an upper level course without taking the 200 level courses needs permission of Program Director.
Other required courses Up to four, at least 3 at the 300 level or above: ITAL 371, ITAL 372, ITAL 375, ITAL 376, ITAL 471, ITAL 472, ITAL 470. Courses taught in English with emphasis on Italian culture may also apply. Only one at the 100 or 200 level. The list includes ARTH 131, ARTH 132, ML 164, ML 295, ML 183, CLST 154, CLST 256, CLST 264, CLST 310, EDUC 420, ENG 261, HIST 111, HIST 112, HIST 342, MUS 191, MUS 390. Internships in Italy and/or courses taken during study abroad in Italy may count up to 2 credits toward the requirement for the major.
Number 300 and 400 level courses
Senior requirement and capstone experience The senior requirement and capstone experience may have an interdisciplinary approach on a topic of interest to the students, including Global Health, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, International Relations, Economics, History, Art History, Music, Museum Studies etc. Alternative capstone experiences may include a service learning project directed to the dissemination of Italian Culture, or an innovative project of the student's design, with approval of the Program Director, as long as these projects include a component of scholarship and reflection.
Additional information A student may elect an Italian major with a concentration in International Business.

Heritage speakers of Italian majoring in the language must complete a minimum of four courses at the 300 level or higher, including ITAL 375, ITAL 471, ITAL 472. When heritage speakers successfully complete their first three classes at the 300-level or higher, with a grade of C or better in each, they receive two retroactive credits for ITAL 271 and ITAL 272 toward completion of the eight-course major.

Writing in the Major Students may satisfy the Writing in the Major requirement for Italian Cultural Studies either with ITAL 375, ITAL 376, ITAL 470, ITAL 471, ITAL 472 or by taking a senior seminar in English in the area of their specialization, where a member of the steering committee will serve as co-advisor. This will open the opportunity for the students to develop their research skills within a community of learners, giving them the chance to discuss and present their work in the context of a seminar. Any course outside of the Italian program may be eligible, according to the student's project and with the approval of the Program Director.

Requirements for a minor

Italian Cultural Studies

Total courses required Five
Core courses Four courses taught in the target language at any level. Taking an upper level course without taking the 200 level courses requires permission of Program Director.
Other required courses The minor requires one additional course from the following: ITAL 371, ITAL 372, ITAL 375, ITAL 376, ITAL 471, ITAL 472, ITAL 470 ARTH 131, ARTH 132, ML 164, ML 295, ML 183, CLST 154, CLST 256, CLST 264, CLST 310, EDUC 420, ENG 261, HIST 111, HIST 112, HIST 342, MUS 191, MUS 390. Internships in Italy and/or courses taken during study abroad in Italy may count up to 1 credit toward the requirement for the minor. Only one course may be taken off-campus.
Number 300 and 400 level courses

Courses in Italian Cultural Studies

ITAL 171

Elementary Italian I

First year Italian. First semester. Offered only in the fall semester. Designed for students with no previous knowledge of Italian, this course is based on interaction and promotes the development of speaking, listening-comprehension, reading and writing skills. The method fosters cultural awareness and understanding of Italian traditions in the greater context of contemporary culture. Italian 171 & 172 are usually taken in sequence. No pre-requisites.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1 course

ITAL 172

Elementary Italian II

First year Italian. Second semester. This course expands on the acquisition of the Italian language within the cultural context. It further promotes the acquisition of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills, encouraging students to engage with authentic pedagogical material. Like first semester Italian, in this course all students actively participate in class and further pursue proficiency. At the end of the second semester, students are able to express themselves correctly in Italian on a variety of topics and to compare Italian traditions to their own. Prerequisite: ITAL 171, placement test, or approval of the Program Director.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language ITAL 171, placement test, or approval of the Program Director 1 course

ITAL 197

First-Year Seminar

A seminar focused on a theme related to Italian Cultural Studies Open only to first-year students.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
1 course

ITAL 271

Intermediate Italian I

Second year Italian. First semester. The course focuses especially on developing proficiency in writing, reading and oral expression, and all work is contextualized in contemporary culture. The course is designed to widen knowledge of vocabulary, perfect structural use of the language, and prepare students who want to work or live in Italy for a semester or a longer time. Lessons will present a variety of authentic materials such as newspaper articles, listening-comprehension clips, and films to facilitate immersion in Italian culture and society. In this course students gain intercultural competence and grow to be global citizens by learning to be aware of cultural difference, developing skills to listen and observe, opening up to learning from other cultures, adopting new ways to learn, and adapting to new cultural environments. Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director 1 course

ITAL 272

Intermediate Italian II

Second year Italian. Second semester. Continuation of ITAL 271. Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director. Normally ITAL 271 & 272 are taken in sequence, but 271 is not necessarily a prerequisite of ITAL 272.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director 1 course

ITAL 285

Topics in Italian Literature or Culture

This is the equivalent of ML 295 Topics course. Courses in specific topics, such as culture, literary movements or genres, linguistics or film. Taught in English. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. May count towards Italian Cultural Studies minor or major, and World Literature minor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Arts and Humanities-or-Global Learning 1 course

ITAL 371

Advanced Italian I

This course focuses on the study of contemporary Italian society and culture. Students explore a variety of themes in current events that are significant to today's world, and that present the complexity and diversity of contemporary Italy. The methodological approach is student-centered and favors interaction, while also promoting the development of critical thinking and growth toward linguistic autonomy and fluency. This course connects students' interest in Italian language and culture to their personal life-experience and stimulates intercultural exchange of ideas. Students learn to interpret and relate, to engage with ambiguity, while learning to respect and to value diversity in ways of thinking, understanding the impact of historical and social contexts. The method fosters skills to analyze, interpret, and evaluate. The course stimulates intellectual curiosity, tolerance of cultural difference, appropriate behavior in intercultural situations, and sensitivity toward other worldviews. Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director. Normally students enroll in 200-level courses before enrolling in a 300-level course, but the sequence is not strict or mandatory.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Global Learning-or-Language Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director. 1 course

ITAL 372

Advanced Italian II

Continuation of Italian 371. Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director. Normally students enroll in 200-level courses before enrolling in a 300-level course, but the sequence is not strict or mandatory. ITAL 371 is not a pre-requisite of ITAL 372.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Global Learning-or-Language Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director 1 course

ITAL 375

Topics in Italian Literature and Culture

This course provides an introduction to Italian Literature to students who already have an advanced knowledge of Italian. The curriculum invites students to a full immersion in Italian culture through the literary text, which is a passage to the discussion of ideas, values and experiences connected to specific historical periods. The encounter with some of the most celebrated Italian writers will open up to reflections on Italian culture and to comparisons with other cultural backgrounds. In this course, students will learn how to read between the lines, to question the power of the word, and to investigate the complexity of the human experience. Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director. Normally students enroll in 200-level courses before enrolling in a 300-level course, but the sequence is not strict or mandatory. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Global Learning-or-Language Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director 1 course

ITAL 376

Italian Through Film

Italian 376 is an advanced level course that offers an in-depth look at Italian history and culture through the medium of film. This course on Italian Cinema presents a range of opportunities to discuss historical, literary, cinematic, sociological and cultural issues. While focusing on the Italian language and working on developing conversational fluency, students are encouraged to analyze the complexity of Italian society, investigating the Italian cultural heritage within both a national and international framework. Through films, students continue to work on refining writing skills, increasing vocabulary and perfecting listening-comprehension skills. As in a seminar, students will be asked to present on a variety of topics, lead discussion, debate, re-create dialogues, analyze scenes and interpret specific moments in the movies. Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director. Normally students enroll in 200-level courses before enrolling in a 300-level course, but the sequence is not strict or mandatory.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Global Learning-or-Language ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director 1 course

ITAL 377

Italy in the News

This course is based on reading current events in an Italian newspaper day by day, as articles and essays are published. The newspaper will provide an updated reflection of Italian society. We will explore a variety of aspects of Italian culture, including economics, immigration, Black Italy, the justice system, organized crime, immigration, the question of the South, everyday Italian society, the European context, health care, experimentation in education and the school system.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Arts and Humanities-or-Global Learning 1 course

ITAL 385

Advanced Topics in Italian Lit., History and Culture

Courses on specific topics, such as culture, literary movements or genres, linguistics, sociology, history, music history, art history and film. May address multiple areas, such as a course on European literature, culture, or History. Taught in English. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Social Science-or-Global Learning 1 course

ITAL 470

Readings and Projects in Italian

This course is an independent studies course for advanced students of Italian who wish to pursue an independently designed program of research or inquiry in Italian. Open to advanced students in Italian with permission of chair. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1/4-1/2-1 course

ITAL 471

Italian Cultural Studies I

This course has a thematic approach, offering a portrait of Italy through a discussion of work, food, literature, art, theater, history, geography, the economy, and famous intellectual figures of Italy. The course instigates intellectual curiosity, and invites the students to analyze particular aspects of the language and different textual genres, focusing on a variety of language registers, idiomatic expressions, and cultural variations. Students also focus on developing communicative skills of argumentation and negotiation. The course is designed to provide options for interdisciplinary work. It introduces students to different aspects of contemporary Italy. Students will look at the changes happening in contemporary Italian society and culture. Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director. Normally students enroll in 200-level courses before enrolling in a 400-level course, but the sequence is not strict or mandatory.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director 1 course

ITAL 472

Italian Cultural Studies II

This course is a continuation of ITAL 471. Prerequisites: ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director. Normally students enroll in 200-level courses before enrolling in a 400-level course, but the sequence is not strict or mandatory. ITAL 471 is not a pre-requisite of ITAL 472.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language ITAL 171 & 172, or placement test, or approval of the Program Director 1 course