ARTS 377

Advanced Ceramics: Material Explorations

This studio art class focuses on both conventional and alternative ceramic materials and processes. Course content explores the relationship between process and product, the implicit meaning of materials, personalized clay and glaze formulation, custom production methods, and more. Students will test materials in the studio and research other artists' work to develop art projects that demonstrate a sophisticated and practiced use of clay, glaze, firing methods and more. Additionally, students will lead an in-class demonstration on a material or technique they have mastered and generate a written artist statement that outlines their conceptual and technical approach to their research. Demonstrations will include raw materials tests, glaze composition, large scale construction methods and more. Students will advance their personal art practice by identifying relevant questions, exploring methods of inquiry, engaging audiences, refining concepts and techniques, and applying critical thinking to individual and group work. Prerequisite: Introduction to Ceramics and any 200-level studio art course or consent of instructor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Arts and Humanities Introduction to Ceramics and any 200-level studio art course or consent of instructor. 1 course