BIO 415

Molecular Genetics & Genomics

This course focuses on the genes in the Human Genome that are responsible for causing simple monogenic diseases (see OMIM) and more complex polygenic diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, Crohn's disease, asthma and autism. Both classical genetics (Mendelian, Quantitative, Population) and modern genetics (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Genome Wide Association Studies) are introduced for probing the discovery, transmission, and molecular functions of these genes. We also probe new ways of treating and testing for diseases along with the ethical implications. Prerequisite: BIO 101, CHEM 240, or permission of instructor. Recommended: BIO 315, BIO 325 or BIO 320.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
BIO 101, CHEM 240, or permission of instructor. Recommended: BIO 315, BIO 325 or BIO 320. 1 course