CHEM 170

Stoichiometric Calculations

A review of the quantitative treatment of chemistry and chemical reactions. Topics include ways to express the absolute and relative amount of chemicals (grams, moles and concentration), balancing chemical reactions, mole-to-mole relationships, limiting reagents and theoretical yields. The course is composed of a series of self-paced modules. Prerequisite: high school chemistry or CHEM 180 or permission of instructor. May not be taken pass/fail.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
High school chemistry or CHEM 180 or permission of instructor 1/4 course, class only

Fall Semester information

Andrew Kehr

170A: Stoich Calculations

R. Martoglio

170B: Stoich Calculations

Spring Semester information

Selma Poturovic

170A: Stoich Calculations

Andrew Kehr

170B: Stoich Calculations