CHEM 440

Biophysical Chemistry

This course will examine the physical and chemical behavior of biomolecules from a quantitative perspective emphasizing applications and problem solving. Approximately half the course will focus on understanding biochemical reactions, structures and reactivity from a thermodynamic and kinetic perspective. The other half of the course will consider selected topics from biochemical applications of spectroscopy, crystallography and separations science. Prerequisites: CHEM 130, 240, 260; MATH 151; PHYS 120; BIO 315. May not be taken pass/fail.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
CHEM 130, 240, 260; MATH 151; PHYS 120; BIO 315 1 course

Fall Semester information

Daniel Gurnon

440A: Biophysical Chemistry

Spring Semester information

Daniel Gurnon

440A: Biophysical Chemistry