GRK 102

Introduction to Ancient Greek II

Building upon GRK 101, this course prepares students to read such ancient Greek texts as Homer's Iliad, Sappho's poetry, Plato's Symposium, Herodotus' Histories, Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, and the New Testament in the original language. Introduction to the essentials of ancient Greek vocabulary and grammar with emphasis on development of proficiency in reading ancient Greek literature. Second semester of a two-semester sequence of introductory ancient Greek language courses. Applies toward the Distribution Area requirement in Language. Applies toward Major or Minor in Greek or Classical Civilization. Prerequisite for GRK 205. Offered every Spring Semester.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language GRK 101 or permission of the department 1 course

Spring Semester information

David Guinee

102A: Intro/Ancient Greek II