HIST 184

ES On-Campus Course

Extended Studies History course.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
1/2 course

Winter Term information

Joshua Herr

184A: Fireside Stories: Culture & Fiction from 17th c. China

Course Time: TBD
Fees: None
Prerequisites: None

17th century China saw a great explosion of popular fiction in print, yielding a wealth of tales, most suitable for whiling away the winter gloom. In this course we will be exploring some of the bestsellers of the period, appreciating the charm of these gems from another time and place, and reflecting on the themes and techniques of storytelling. We will also use these stories as a window into this rich but uncertain age, learning about the material culture, society, ideas, and politics of the time. This course will provide an entrée into early modern East Asia and an opportunity to dig deep into a particular time and place. In addition to learning about a historical milieu, students will also have the opportunity to reflect on and practice storytelling techniques through writing and speaking exercises.