SOC 240

Pro-Seminar in Anthropology and Sociology

This course approaches career exploration and professional development through the values, worldview, and skills framework of what anthropologists and sociologists do and how they do it. This course cultivates a space for sociology and anthropology majors to reflect on the significance of these disciplines' methodologies and then to link this reflection to stronger professional development goals. It offers students an opportunity to engage in personal reflection and assessment activities, to unpack the variety and value of the methods used by sociologists and anthropologists, to work in small groups, to interact with University alumni, faculty and staff, to build connections with people in career fields of interest. Students will identify how their choice of anthropology or sociology as a major shapes and influences their interests, skills, talents, and values; and how to convey them effectively through professional identity documents such as a resume, LinkedIn profile, and application cover letter. No prerequisites. Cross-listed with ANTH 250. Course may be taken only once for credit, preferably before the senior seminar.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
None 1/4 course