WGSS 184

On-Campus Extended Studies Course

An on-campus course offered during the Winter or May term. May be offered for .5 course credits or as a co-curricular (0 credit). Counts toward satisfying the Extended Studies requirement.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits

May Term information

Christina Holmes

184A: Queering Nature with Feminist Ecologies

Course Time: TBD
Prerequisites: None

This course invites students to interrogate their relationships to nature, and to explore queer, feminist, Indigenous, and Black theoretical understandings of land and ecology. Historically, in the US (and elsewhere all around the world!), those who have been minoritized along gender, racial, and sexual lines have been at the forefront of environmental justice, land reclamation, food justice, and related movements that focus on social and environmental domination. And for oppressed communities, maintaining or rebuilding relationships with self, community members, and the natural world offers stress relief and recreation, healthier food cultivation, spiritual connection and other paths forward toward healing. The course will also examine the intersections of gender, race, ability, nationality, and class in regards to access to outdoor spaces, conservation efforts, and climate change. We will look at feminist land collectives, Native land reclamation efforts, and BIPOC- led movements to decolonize the industrial food system and create community- based alternatives. In addition to readings, podcasts, and films that introduce these topics, the instructor will collaborate with guest speakers and trainers who will offer experiential learning opportunities and skills training related to mindfulness, bird- watching, small scale farming and cooking with fresh (and cheap!) food, and community organizing.