Learn skills significant to the preparation of YOU and YOUR future place in the world with on-campus employment

student employment at DePauw

(student supervisors, click here!)


Please review the student employment handbook HERE and at the bottom of this page under "Helpful Resources." 


Eligibility at DePauw

Students who have either federal or DePauw work study in their financial aid package are eligible to apply for any job on the student employment job board. Students who do not have either type of work study in their package will only be permitted to apply for jobs that require a certain skill or specialization. To view your financial aid package and determine your work study status, you can look at your portal in eServices or you can reach out to financial aid. 


Have you been offered an on-campus work study position? Follow these steps:



The link for ADP RM/Available Student Job Board can be found . Any questions regarding ADP RM can be sent to studentemployment@depauw.edu or kathymcmurtrie@depauw.edu

  • The job search process for students is located exclusively in ADP RM. In order to be legally hired, ALL students must fill out an application for whatever position they wish to have. Students must create an account in ADP RM to view and apply for any student jobs available at DePauw.
  • Once a student has been offered a job, they will be prompted to complete their hiring paperwork through ADP RM. Students ARE NOT permitted to begin working until their online paperwork has been completed.
  • If a student has already worked on campus and gets a new job, they only have to apply and accept an offer of employment in ADP RM: they do not have to redo their onboarding and hiring paperwork.
  • In order for the office of Student Employment to complete their paperwork, students are required to present identification documents in person at the Hubbard Center. Copies, pictures or faxes of these documents will NOT be accepted. Examples include but are not limited to: one picture ID such as a driver's license or DePauw ID and a non-picture ID such as a social security card or birth certificate. A valid passport is acceptable for both picture and non-picture ID. Again, NO pictures or copies of your documents will be accepted unless notarized; documents presented must be original. A link to the DHS approved list of documents for your I9 can be found . Students ARE NOT permitted to begin working before completing their paperwork and receiving confirmation from Student Employment clearing them to work.



The link for ADP RM can be found . Any questions regarding ADP RM can be sent to studentemployment@depauw.edu or kathymcmurtrie@depauw.edu.

  • International students are required to begin their social security application before they can begin working on campus. The CDI and the Hubbard Center will provide a limited amount of transportation to the Crawfordsville SSA office at the beginning of every semester; once these shuttles are no longer offered, the student is responsible for scheduling an appointment and providing transportation. For more info on scheduling an appointment and transportation options, please email studentemployment@depauw.edu.
  • SSA requires students to bring a list of documents to their appointment to bring the application process. They are as follows:
    • A passport from country of residence
    • I94
    • I20
    • Reference number from online application ()
    • Letter from DePauw’s DSO (currently Beth Haymaker or Sasha Taxter in the CDI)
    • Job Offer letter from on-campus supervisor
    • Required Documents – Present In Person:
  • Once a student’s application has been processed, SSA should give them a receipt from the application. The student may bring that receipt, their I-94, their I-20, and their passport to the Hubbard Center; these documents will tentatively clear the student to work for 90 days while their SSC comes in the mail. Once their SSC has arrived in the mail, they are required to bring it to the Hubbard Center where they will complete the rest of their paperwork on paper in the Hubbard Center, along with signing their acknowledgement of significant policies on paper. Students ARE NOT permitted to begin working before completing their paperwork and receiving confirmation from Student Employment clearing them to work. 


Once all of your paperwork has been completed and you are legally cleared to begin working at DePauw, student employment will send verification emails to your on-campus supervisor and to the payroll department letting them know you are cleared to begin working. Payroll will send you an email letting you know to create an account with ADP Workforce Now (WFN), the HRIS we use for time-keeping and paycheck tracking.

ADP RECRUITMENT MANAGER (RM) and ADP  WORKFORCE NOW (WFN) are 2 different sites. ADP RM is solely for the job application process; ADP WFN is for timecards and payment methods once you have accepted a job offer and started working.

Once you set up your account with ADP WFN, you will track your hours worked there with every shift – make sure you are entering hours with every shift, not at the end of every week; this ensures the most accurate accounting for hours worked.

You can also set up your pay preferences; you can set up direct deposit, have your pay mailed to you in the form of a paper check, or you can have your pay applied directly to your university balance. Direct deposit and paper check preferences can be noted in ADP; to have your earnings be applied to your university balance, please fill out 

Any questions regarding ADP WFN can be sent to danielmccafferty@depauw.edu. Job aids on ADP can be found at the bottom of this page.

Student Employment Handbook

The student employment handbook contains the policies and guidelines used to direct students and supervisors regarding their conduct throughout the student employment experience at 69É«ÇéÊÓƵ. Below are some of the highlights that students should take note of before beginning their student employment position.

In order to participate in student employment at DePauw:

  • A student employee must be in good academic and student employment conduct standing with the University.
  • Students who have either federal or DePauw work study in their financial aid package are eligible to apply for any job on the student employment job board. Students who do not have either type of work study in their package will only be permitted to apply for jobs that require a certain skill or specialization. To view your financial aid package and determine your work study status, you can look at your portal in eServices or you can reach out to financial aid. 
  • All eligible students are currently permitted to have up to 2 on-campus jobs at a time. If a student cannot get at least 7 hours per week between their two jobs, they may reach out to student employment via email to ask for an exception to pursue a third job. The exceptions committee will meet to determine if their situation fits the pre-determined criteria for an exception. Either way, the student will receive a response via email.
  • A student employee of DePauw must be enrolled at least half-time during the semester they want to work in order to be eligible for student employment.
    • If a student drops classes, which puts them below half-time during a semester, the student will immediately become ineligible to continue working as a student employee.
  • Students are not permitted to work during periods where they would normally attend classes. (E.G, skipping class to pick up an extra shift at work is strictly not allowed, under any circumstances)
    • The only potential exception to this rule is situations where a student’s job has to do with class, i.e. ADA notetakers
  • Employees should always make their best effort to avoid unexcused absences, tardiness, and no call/no shows.
  • 3 consecutive no call/no shows will result in the termination of your student position
  • In the event that you need to leave a position for whatever reason; that’s ok! Just make sure that you send an official resignation (a text, an email, a letter, ETC) to your supervisor so they can have it for documentation purposes.

The link to the entire student employment handbook can be found at the top of this page and below in helpful resources. Please read it so you can be aware of all policies that can/will affect your experience with student employment at 69É«ÇéÊÓƵ.

Federal and DePauw Work-Study

The Federal Work-Study Program provides financial assistance to students through part-time campus employment and allows Colleges and Universities the opportunity to employ students to fill a variety of departmental positions. Eligibility for the Federal Work Study Program is determined through completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You will be notified of your eligibility for Federal Work-Study when you receive your Financial Aid notification letter. The amount awarded is reflected on the Financial Aid notification letter and this is the maximum amount you may earn during the academic year.

Federal Work-Study - Community Service

There are many off-campus employment opportunities available for students with federal work study. These opportunities include tutoring in Greencastle schools and working with nonprofits in the Greencastle community to do things like graphic design or tech support. Federal work study students interested in being paid for community service should reach out to studentemployment@depauw.edu.



The “DePauw Resources for Internships, Vocation, and Employment” Program (referred to as DRIVE) provides students with the opportunity to work on campus during the academic year. Federal Work Study (FWS) & DePauw Work Study (DWS) positions are listed on our Handshake. The majority of on-campus student positions are posted at the beginning of each semester, however, they may be posted at any time throughout the academic year. There are on-campus student positions available in nearly every department and building on campus and for students of all different skill levels and academic/career interests. It is recommended that you prepare your resume and begin applying early and that you apply to as many positions as you feel you are qualified for. DRIVE is supported by the Office of Student Employment located in The Hubbard Center. We are available to help you with on-campus employment and we serve as a resource for supporting your future career and internship aspirations! Our mission is to empower you to be a responsible leader and to promote professional growth.

Student employment work experience is intended to complement the educational experience and to enhance future employment. The Financial Aid Office awards all student employment on campus. The Hubbard Center administers the DRIVE/student employment program.

Helpful resources


Crawfordsville Social Security Office – (888) 577-1498

ADP Job Aid – Tax Changes

ADP Job Aid – Time Card

ADP Job Aid – Direct Deposit

ADP Job Aid – Creating your account

Student Employment Handbook

ADP RM Job aid for Students

Student Self Evaluation