ARTS 492

Senior Projects II

This is the second course in a two-semester series of focused studio practice for art majors in their senior year. In this course, students will produce a cohesive, conceptually focused body of work for exhibition in the Visual Arts Gallery at the end of spring semester. Students will develop contemporary studio practice through artistic research in support of their individual ideas and evidenced mastery of materials and techniques appropriate to their chosen medium. Students will be expected to demonstrate active independent research and studio management, while participating in art related events on and off campus. With the gallery staff, students will engage in all aspects of exhibition; including design of postcards and advertising material, organization and arrangement of the exhibition, and professional installation and de-installation of their art. Submission of a final artist packet, including artist statement, resume, documentation of art, and slide list, will be required of all students. As part of this course's requirement, each student must also prepare and present a formal gallery talk for the exhibition opening.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
1 course

Spring Semester information

John Berry

492A: Senior Projects II