PHYS 120

Principles of Physics I

Includes laboratory. An introductory calculus-based course covering fundamental concepts of physics including: momentum, energy, conservation laws, particle interactions, Newton's laws, oscillations, orbits and planetary motion. Laboratory sessions will provide a hands-on opportunity to explore the concepts of physics. This course is designed for students majoring in the sciences and mathematics and those in pre-professional programs in health sciences, medicine, engineering and teaching. Prerequisite or co-requisite: MATH 136 or MATH 151 .

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Science and Mathematics MATH 136 or MATH 151. May be taken in the same semester as PHYS 120. 1 course

Fall Semester information

Alexander Komives

120A: Principles of Physics I

Howard Brooks

120B: Principles of Physics I

Spring Semester information

Howard Brooks

120A: Principles of Physics I