Blue, yellow surface with shapes such as oval, rectangles, and squares in grey, white, black and abstract shapes

Weather of the Weather 2, 2023
Dye sublimation print on aluminum

Leah Beeferman: Cloud-Scale Uncertainties
August 26 - October 13, 2024

Peeler Art Center, Visual Arts Gallery

In this exhibition, Leah Beeferman explores her interests in the ways that earthly phenomena are represented as images — both photographic and scientific — and in the limits of that representation.

The resulting works, drawing from photographs taken by the artist in several desert and forest landscapes, weather maps and satellite images, climate research data, and equipment built to measure forests and clouds, poses questions about observing, measuring, and making images of landscapes and the atmosphere.*

Beeferman seeks to acknowledge the complexity and elusiveness of these planetary elements and the worlds they make, but also to seek out the lengths that scientists go to to understand and make pictures of them. In a moment when weather has become a main source of uncertainty, attempts to describe it — and to identify what cannot be described — are of crucial importance.

* Together, is this weather? “If the weather is not part of the landscape, is the landscape, then, part of the weather?” – Tim Ingold, Visual Perception and the Weather

Artist Talk: Leah BeefermanMonday, August 26, 2024, 4:30pm EDT at the Peeler Art Center, Visual Arts Gallery