Attendance and Punctuality

Policy Statement

This policy explains the employee’s responsibilities to the University for regular, reliable and prompt attendance. This policy also addresses the consequences for employees who do not fulfill their responsibility to the University for regular, reliable and prompt attendance.
Regular, reliable and prompt attendance is essential for the functioning of the University. Poor attendance makes it difficult for the University to function effectively. Additionally, employees who do not maintain regular, reliable and prompt attendance place a hardship on other employees who must cover their absence. While some allowances may be made for situations beyond the control of the employee, chronic or excessive absenteeism will be cause for corrective action, up to and including termination.

Reporting Absences

You must notify the University of an intended absence at least thirty (30) minutes before your scheduled starting time. Absences should be reported to your supervisor or his/her designee.


Absence: An absence is the failure to be on the job at any time during your scheduled hours of work, including arriving after your scheduled start time or leaving before the end of your scheduled hours of work.

Tardiness: You will be considered tardy if you fail to report to work at the designated starting time, including return from lunch. Tardiness (for purposes of payroll deduction) for an employee occurs on the eighth (8th) minute past the scheduled start time and is rounded up in fifteen (15) minute increments..

Approved Absence: A pre-approved absence scheduled in advance (e.g. scheduled and approved vacation, sick leave/salary continuation with proper notification to your supervisor, jury duty, bereavement leave, etc.) with your immediate supervisor or his/her designee (see the Vacation, FMLA and Medical Leave and related policies for additional information concerning the scheduling of such leave). You should receive approval for such absences at least twelve (12) hours in advance of the event if the need for leave is foreseeable. In cases of illness or emergency, you must notify your supervisor of the absence not later than thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled start of work or as soon as reasonably possible.

Absences covered as approved under the Family and Medical Leave Act are not considered absences under this policy.

 Unapproved Absence: An unscheduled and unapproved absence is an absence not pre-approved by your immediate supervisor or his/her designee.

No Call/No Show: A no call/no show is any time an employee is absent and fails to notify their immediate supervisor or his/her designee according to the prescribed procedures outlined above.

 Chronic Absenteeism: Chronic absenteeism occurs when a pattern of absenteeism becomes noticeable to the supervisor. This may include such situations as calling in sick or being tardy primarily on Mondays or Fridays or before or after holidays or on paydays. A pattern of chronic absenteeism will be addressed by the supervisor through the progressive disciplinary policy and procedures (see Progressive Discipline).

Excessive Absenteeism: Excessive absenteeism occurs when the employee has missed work or is late to work to the extent that it a) exceeds the standards set by the supervisor, b) is higher the average absenteeism for the work unit or department, and/or c) results in or contributes to the employee’s failure to perform his/her duties in a satisfactory manner. Missing more than 10 days in a calendar year without a doctor's notice is generally considered excessive absenteeism.  Generally, excessive absenteeism will also be addressed by the supervisor through the progressive disciplinary policy and procedures (see Progressive Discipline). However, NoCall/No Shows of three (3) or more consecutively scheduled work days can be construed as voluntary resignation of the employee without providing proper notification to the University and may result in immediate termination of employment.

The University reserves the right in all cases to, at its sole discretion, take disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment of employees who demonstrate poor attendance and punctuality even if the employee meets other performance expectations of the position held.