Break periods are normally available and encouraged when the interruption of work for a break does not interfere with the effective operations of a department. There is no law governing compulsory breaks but when work schedules permit, the privilege of a break period is permitted. Employees must schedule break periods with their supervisor in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. Break periods may not exceed twenty (20) minutes per day.
  2. Breaks periods are considered paid time.
  3. Supervisors may require employees to remain at their workstation during a break period while slowing or reducing their normal workload.
  4. Break periods may not be taken during the first or last hours of the workday nor should the workday be shortened because a break has not been taken.
  5. Meal periods may not be extended by adding a break period immediately before or after the meal period.
  6. Break periods may not be accumulated from one day to the next to add to other time off benefits.
  7. Break periods are not normally available for employees who work less than four hours a day.