Employment Candidate Travel Costs

Employment Candidate Travel Costs

Date: March 2015
Contact: Office of Human Resources, x4181

Policy Statement
In accordance with the University’s Business Expense Policy, the University will reimburse candidates traveling to the University for employment interviews. No more than three candidates should be scheduled for interviews if travel costs are involved. Any exceptions must receive prior approval by the Vice President of the business unit seeking the new employee.

All travel and expenses must be pre-approved by the Vice President of the business unit seeking the new employee.




  1. Notify the Office of Human Resources, prior to the scheduling of candidates for interviews, the proposed schedules and the anticipated travel costs.
  2. Book and arrange transportation and hotel arrangements for candidate(s) using Departmental Corporate Card or,

    Request that the Office of Human Resources book and arrange the travel and hotel for your candidate(s).

    If the candidate books and arranges his/her own transportation arrangements, make sure that the restrictions on travel reimbursements are made clear to the candidate and that the candidate is also clear on the documentation required for reimbursement.
  3. Prepare documentation for reimbursement.
    Original, itemized receipts for all travel related costs of the candidate (e.g., airfare, hotel, rental car, mileage, meals, taxi, tolls, parking, etc.) must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources to document costs to be reimbursed, however, photocopies of itemized receipts will be accepted when the original is not available.  Credit card receipts should not be submitted in lieu of these itemized receipts.  If the candidate fails to request documentation at the time of charges, it is the responsibility of the candidate to contact the vendor to request duplicate documentation.  If itemized receipts cannot be obtained, a memo to the file explaining the situation, as well as the business purpose of the expenses, should be sent to the Human Resources office and be signed by the appropriate division Vice President. 

NOTE:  Expenses should be submitted for reimbursement within 60 days of being incurred.  IRS regulations require reimbursements that are requested after the 60 day period be reported as taxable income and will be reported as such on a 1099-misc., if necessary.

NOTE:  Each division Vice President and/or Department Budget Supervisor and the Director of Human Resources have the authority to impose additional and more restrictive requirements for authorizing or approving candidate travel reimbursements.