Vacation Time

Vacation Guidelines for Full Time, Benefit Eligible, Hourly Employees

Full-time, benefit eligible hourly employees accrue vacation according to the following schedule:

of Service
Annual Hours
(Based on 26 Pays Per Year)
Accrual FactorApproximate Annual Entitlement
(Based on 26 Pays Per Year)
HourlyPay Period
0 < 3 1920 hours 0.039064 2.88 75.00 hours 112.50 hours
2080 hours 0.038463 3.08 80.00 hours 120.00 hours
3 < 14 1920 hours 0.058595 4.33 112.50 hours 168.75 hours
2080 hours 0.057693 4.62 120.00 hours 180.00 hours
14+ 1920 hours 0.078126 5.77 150.00 hours 225.00 hours
2080 hours 0.076924 6.15 160.00 hours 240.00 hours

Vacation benefits are subject to the following:

  1. Employees must request the use of vacation through their supervisor. Vacation time will be granted at the supervisor’s discretion.
  2. Employees may use vacation time as it is earned.
  3. Employees are not required to complete a 90-day probationary period before vacation time may be taken.
  4. Employees may only use vacation at a time when they are normally scheduled to work.
  5. Employees may use vacation in quarter-hour increments.
  6. Employees will be discouraged from requesting more than 10 consecutive days of vacation. Operational needs of the department or University may preclude scheduling of vacation during peak work periods.
  7. Seniority may be used as a preference factor in scheduling vacations.
  8. When employees reach their maximum vacation accrual, pay period accruals are discontinued until vacation time has been taken to reduce the vacation balance.
  9. At separation of employment (retirement or termination), vacation time accrued but not taken will be paid. However, there will be no payment issued for sick time accrued but not taken.
  10. Vacation time paid out does not constitute extension of the employment date.  Employment is terminated effective the last day worked.

Vacation Guidelines for Full Time, Benefit Eligible, Salaried, Non-Faculty Employees

Full-time, benefit eligible, salaried non-faculty employees receive up to 20 days vacation per fiscal year (July-June)  The days will be prorated if employment is a position less than 12 months per fiscal year.  In the first year of employment, salaried employees will receive a vacation allotment prorated based upon their date of hire. Salaried employees terminating employment will receive pay for vacation days not taken based on the number of days that would have been earned up to the date of termination minus any vacation days already taken.

The actual number of vacation days earned will be prorated at a rate of 1.67 days per month when an employee (1) works less than a twelve (12) month schedule, (2) begins employment after July 1 (beginning of the fiscal year), or (3) terminates employment prior to June 30 (end of the fiscal year).

Vacation days are to be taken during the fiscal year in which they are earned.  Vacation days are not to be carried over to the next fiscal year nor will pay be issued in lieu of days not taken at the end of the fiscal year.  Exceptions to this practice are to be permitted only under circumstances where needs of the department and/or University have prevented the supervisor from approving use of requested vacation time during the fiscal year in which the days were earned and must be approved by the Vice President for the respective division.

Vacation benefits are subject to the following:

  1. Employees must request the use of vacation through their supervisor. Vacation time will be granted at the supervisor’s discretion.
  2. Employees may use vacation time beginning each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
  3. Employees are not required to complete a 90-day probationary period before vacation time may be taken.
  4. Employees may only use vacation at a time when they are normally scheduled to work.
  5. Employees will be discouraged from requesting more than 10 consecutive days of vacation. Operational needs of the department or University may preclude scheduling of vacation during peak work periods.
  6. Seniority may be used as a preference factor in scheduling vacations.
  7. At separation of employment (retirement or termination), available vacation time not taken will be paid. If the employee terminates employment prior to the end of the fiscal year, the vacation days earned will be prorated based on the actual time worked during the fiscal year minus the number of vacation days taken up to termination.  For example, if the employee worked July 1 of the new fiscal year and terminated employment on December 31 of that fiscal year, the vacation days earned for that current fiscal year would be ten (10).  This is based on the accrual of 1.67 days per month (20 days/12 months).  If the employee has taken any days of vacation prior to the termination during that fiscal year, these would be subtracted from the ten available and the remainder will be paid at termination.
  8. Vacation time paid out does not constitute extension of the employment date.  Employment is terminated effective the last day worked.  If employee is retirement eligible see Employee Guide, Retirement Policy