Payment Plan

The 4-Month Payment Plan is set up online through Transact Payments. The payment plan allows students or payers to pay for semester charges over four months for the first semester and four months for the second semester.  To participate in this payment option, you must enroll each semester. 

Enrollment Period July 8* - Sept 25** January 8* - Mar 25**
Payment 1 August 1 February 1
Payment 2 September 1 March 1
Payment 3 October 1 April 1
Payment 4 November 1  May 1

* This date is subject to change but will not be later than the 10th of the month.

** If you enroll in the payment after July 25th and January 25th, you will be required to make payment for any payments required prior to your enrollment so that you are current on the payment plan.


The payment plan amount is determined by the following: Tuition and Fees Balance, Emergency Loan Balance, and Anticipated Financial Aid.  The sum of the balances, less anticipated financial aid, is the amount utilized to calculate the payment plan amount.  As changes are made throughout the semester (e.g. new charges are applied to the account or additional aid is received), they are spread out over the remaining plan payments.

Please note that anticipated aid is all aid that we expect will disburse but has not (normally, for regulatory reasons).  In the case of loans, anticipated aid must be approved for disbursement (i.e. we have a signed promissory note and the student has completed entrance counseling).



There will be a late fee ranging from $25 to $100 for any missed payments.  If a second payment is missed, the payment plan will be canceled and payment in full is required.


To sign up for the payment plan on Transact Payments: